By uploading content into this website (“Site”), and/or filling in (application) forms provided in this Site and/or providing information and documents requested in this Site, you, as Subject Data (as defined herebelow), hereby indicate your explicit approval to the use of your Data according to the following Privacy Policy.

  1. 1. KIC InnoEnergy SE (“KIC”) is Processing personal information submitted by a you (“Data Subject”) in the context of your use of the Site application and/or attendance of one or more of KIC’s educational programs (“Data”), for the following purposes:

    1. a. to provide access to the KIC InnoEnergy SE’s newsletters, project information, or job offers,

    2. b. to allow you to post reviews, remarks, comments and other contents,

    3. c. to allow you to apply to training programs offered via the Site,

    4. d. to allow you to submit proposals in calls for innovation projects,

    5. e. to allow you to apply for the business creation services,

    6. f. to allow you to take contact in general with KIC InnoEnergy SE, and

    7. g. for commercial, advertising and marketing purposes.

  2. 2. For the purposes as described under 1, KIC:

  3. 3. KIC compiles statistical information from the Data, on an anonymous basis.

    1. a. collects and stores the Data in Records (i.e one or more records of Data as kept and Processed by KIC or the Processor as defined under 4.);

    2. b. monitors the Data Subject by using the Data in tracking tools;

    3. c. uses the Data to send to the Data Subjects information about KIC, KIC projects, services and/or KIC SE’s educational programs, job offers, newsletters and other periodicals,

    4. d. uses the Data to send e-mails with advertising to the Data Subjects;

    5. e. uses the Data to assess the applications and proposals of the Data Subject;

    6. f. provides access to the Data as defined in 7.

  4. 4. The Processing as described in 1 and 2 above can be done by either the KIC as Controller or by a Processor (i.e. any person or legal entity engaged by KIC for Processing, and not being an employee nor otherwise subjected to the authority of KIC or KIC’s Executive Board or any of its members) engaged to that end. “Process” or “Processing” shall mean each (set of) action(s) as regards to the Data, including, but not limited to, the collecting, recording, sorting, keeping, updating, amending, retrieving, consulting, using, provisioning by way of forwarding or other way of dissemination, gathering, linking, protecting, erasing or destroying of Data.

  5. 5. With respect to pictures or movies being taken or shot during KIC events in which you, as Data Subject, are participating, in which you would be easily recognizable, you shall always remains free not to participate in a photograph or in a movie, on the spot. Should you participate in a photograph or movie in which you are easily recognizable, or provide yourself a photograph or movie to KIC, you hereby explicitly and unequivocally agree to the royalty free use of your photographs and movie image by KIC for advertising purposes and, for that purpose, waive the right to invoke any and all intellectual property rights, including but not limited to portrait rights, against KIC, as regards to any photograph or movie image that was submitted by you to KIC, and/or made of you by KIC.

  6. 6. At your request as Data Subject, Data will be removed from the Records, unless the preservation is required by law or for the purpose of the Records themselves. The request shall be addressed to: KIC InnoEnergy SE, Kennispoort, 6th floor, John F. Kennedylaan 2, 5612 AB Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Any refusal to remove or delete (parts of) Data will be substantiated in terms of necessity to preserve the Data, notwithstanding your request for removal or deletion.

  7. 7. As Data Subject, and through the use of this Site, you hereby grant your explicit and unambiguous consent that a) KIC and Processors Process the Data as described above and b) KIC submits the Data to the Partners (i.e. any of KIC’s partners as defined in Annex II of the EIT KIC InnoEnergy Framework Partnership Agreement) for the purposes described above, and grant your consent to KIC and the Partners to use the Data to directly contact you, in accordance with applicable law, with newsletters, project information, job offers or similar communications for the aforementioned purposes.

  8. 8. As Data Subject, you may, while observing reasonable intervals, each time request from KIC to be informed as regards to whether any Data relating to you is being Processed, which request should be addressed to the addressee as described in 6 above. KIC shall inform you, within four (4) weeks after the receipt of such a request, of whether any Data relating to you is being Processed, and, if so and where applicable, provide a specification of that Data, a description of the objectives or purposes of its Processing, the possible categories of Processed Data, the persons who are meant to receive the Data and a description of the origins of the Data. You may request KIC to correct, supplement, remove, or protect (parts of) the specified Data if that Data is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant for the objectives and purposes for which it was being Processed, or if the Processing would otherwise be unlawful. KIC will inform you in writing within four (4) weeks after the receipt of a request as described above of whether the request will be met. If KIC decides not to meet the request made, the refusal shall be explained. If KIC decides to meet the request made the necessary measures will be taken as soon as reasonably possible.

  9. 9. KIC may use “cookies” (small pieces of data stored on the Data Subject’s computer) or similar tools using anonymized information to enable the Data Subject to sign in to certain services to protect both you and KIC, help make KIC services easier to use or tailor your experience, or for analytics to help KIC understand how users engage with the KIC services and to improve their features. The Cookies policy is part of this Privacy Policy.

  10. 10. This Privacy Policy has been adopted taking into account the prescriptions of the Dutch Data Protection Act. Situations not foreseen in this Privacy Policy will be decided on by KIC on a case by case basis, taking into account the objectives of this Privacy Policy, the reasonable interests of all parties involved and applicable laws and regulations.

  11. 11. This Privacy Policy may be amended by KIC from time to time. Amendments to this Privacy Policy will enter into force after publication of the revised version on

  12. 12. Additional privacy provisions may apply to specific sections in this Site.